Sunday, July 03, 2016

The trees are alive with...

(1) Fred Green: "I did something different, well, sort of, yesterday. I went to a place, not to far from me called, Adventure Park, In Bloomfield Hills, anyway, this park has zip lines and other things to do in the trees,
Something I haven't done in quite a few years. The only difference, this place is smaller than the one in Mexico and it has more things to die from. It seemed like there were more stairs and bridges to cross than zip lines and for me that's where the struggle came into play
Today, I found those muscles that I have been missing for the last few months and I will start lifting weights, tomorrow, to compensate. Crossing those bridges required a lot of strength, at least for me. Heck there were kids, nine or ten years old who were up there following in step with the grow-ups.
And there were kids who were up there that took 15 minutes or so to cross the same bridge I crossed in 3 minutes. But, I digress...
Yes, my arms and deltoids and shoulders are aching a little But, I shall overcome. The workouts continue! "

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