Monday, July 11, 2016

One hell of an answer.

Facebook:  I have a sign on my door, stating: "Please no soliciting". It's been there for over a year. In that past, year and a half, a handful of people have knocked on my door.
Once, a bunch of old ladies, knocked. I mentioned the sign and one of them told me that was about prostitution. I told them to be on their way(not really but it was implied).

On another occasion, a boy knocked, I mentioned the sign and he too mentioned that soliciting was only about prostitution. I could only shake my head in disgust. Don't they teach these kids anything in school these days?

Anyway, today, two young girls knocked. I mentioned the sign, again and the oldest of the two said, "That means selling something...and we are not selling anything, we are asking for something.
Again I just shook my head...I then said, "Soliciting means asking for anything, not just selling."
She retorted, " means selling, My Mother is a lawyer."

I mentioned what other people do in life and what does that have to do with you not knowing what the word means, and I am a writer, I know words. I then said "GOOGLE IT!"
"It means, selling something, My Mother is a lawyer."
I could only shake my head in total dismay and disgust. Maybe her mother should be a teacher or something because these kids nowadays know nothing!"

'via Blog this'

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