Sunday, July 17, 2016

I love peanuts and all that other nutty stuff...

Fred Green: "I love peanuts! Now that I think about it I love all nuts, especially cashews, oh yeah, and seeds too. It didn’t start out that way though. When I was younger, really younger, let’s say about 10 or so, my Mother told me not to eat any of the donuts that she had just purchased.
Being the hard-headed child I was I went ahead, when Mom went to work, and ate a donut. A donut with nuts on it, peanuts, as a matter of fact. I can still remember the taste of those donuts after 50 year of never eating them. What made the situation dire, I, later, got nauseated and sick and I then went on and threw up, mostly those donuts.
That stuck with me for many, many years. I have, to this day, never eaten nutty donuts. But, I love peanuts.
Last week or so, I went to the grocery store and one of the things I needed was peanut butter and I love peanut butter, too. Kroger has their own brand of peanut butter and I thought I would try a brand I had never, I don’t remember ever seeing it before. Honey Roasted peanut butter. So, I grabbed two jars of it because I love peanut butter.
Sometimes, before bed or if I have a cup of coffee, I get a spoonful of peanut butter. I opened a jar, stuck my spoon in and get a large dab of peanut butter. I took a bite and notice that it was chunky peanut butter. I had always hated to eat chunky, crunchy peanut butter.
Well, I couldn’t take it back so ate it. I have now fallen in love with crunchy, chunky peanut butter again. Of course the honey taste helped a lot, though. I finished the jar the other day and opened the second jar. I stuck my spoon into the creamy mixture, pulled out a spoonful and tasted it. It tasted the same, but there were not crunchy or chunky peanuts in it. It was just plain old creamy peanut butter. I was so disappointed.
I guess I should look at the jars when I buy stuff. And, now that I think about it, why was a jar of chunky, crunchy peanut butter next to the creamy variety? Oh well, I will remember next time. But, I will still get both, because I love Peanut Butter! Oh and peanuts, cashews, and seeds and all kinds of mixed nuts!"

'via Blog this'

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