Monday, July 25, 2016


Facebook: "I am a fan, a super fan of Science Fiction, in fact, I write science fiction. I have two short stories and one novel published and I am working on a second novel, but I digress…
I decided that I am going to start reviewing the movies I have seen, the new movies that are in theaters, now. I have only, started, recently writing reviews of things like books or music, but I have only posted them to sites like Amazon and Goodreads. Hey, it’s as start.
I went and saw Star Trek Beyond the other day. For the most part, I really enjoyed it. As of today, I have seen many posts, on Facebook, hating the heck out of the movie, saying it was worse than the 2009 reboot, STAR TREK. As far as I am concerned, I loved all three of them, what more can I say.
For me, it was the best Science fiction movie of the year, so far! It reminded me of the original Star Trek and the Director and writer tried to stay within those boundaries. Another movie that will go into my collection when it comes out on Blu Ray. On the other hand, I had one tiny problem with the movie, since I went with a group of youngsters, (my son and his friends).
When I got my ticket I was unaware the movie was in 3D and IMAX, at first. I have only gone to one movie in 3D and didn’t enjoy it, I really can’t say that I didn’t enjoy the movie, it was AVATAR, I just didn’t enjoy the 3D effects, at the time. That was 7 years ago.
However, I was amazed with STAR TREK in 3D. Now that I think about it, one other, tiny thing bothered me. In most the action scenes it seems like all the actors were blurred, the faster the action, the blurrier it got. Maybe I am not use to 3D, in my older years. If it were this great 20 or so years ago, I would have had no problems with 3D today. I think I prefer watching in 2D, though.
All in all, I give STAR TREK BEYOND, 5 stars!"
#STARTREKBEYOND, #sci-fi, #sciencefiction, #startrek,

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