Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Pokemon GO! Geez, now what?

Facebook: "Here's something I don't see everyday and hope not to ever see ever again, in the near and far future.
At the end of my run today, as I was walking to my house, there was a young couple a couple hundred feet away. I would say they were in their late 20s or early 30s and they were walking and looking at their phones.
The young lady looked up at me, started to laugh and they made a hasty left turn onto an adjacent street. I just shook my head as the girl looked back at me, the guy probably didn't give an F....
I knew what they were doing...they had to be playing that... phone app, pokemon go...go figure.
Anyway as I passed the adjacent street, they turned around and headed back towards my house. The girl still giggling as they passed and they disappeared into the sunset, Okay, it was noon, but gone nonetheless."

'via Blog this'

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