Tuesday, January 04, 2011

My book, my book, to finish or not to finish...

Today was one of those days, heck, a really beautiful kind of day. I figure that any day I wake up is a beautiful day. Funny thing about this day, though, this past weekend it rained and rained a lot, and got up to about 50 degrees. Now, today, it was something different, it snowed early this morning. I wanted to get out and do my two mile walk at 10 a.m. I knew I had to get out because I was getting edgy; I hadn’t been out since December 11 because it snowed and the snow stuck around until...this weekend rain.

The snow was fresh, meaning no one walked on it yet. But, when I got to the end of the block, it looked like a parade of footprints. Anyway, I did my walk and as I was a half a mile away, the sun came out. So, I figured that I would shovel the snow when I got back. To which I did. A couple of hours later, it snowed again.

Oh well, thank goodness I put salt down in a few places. Then, out of the blue, the sun came out again and the snow melted. That was about 6 hours ago, I haven’t looked out so I don’t really care right now, tomorrow is another day and I need the exercise.

A few of my, so-called resolutions was to eat right again, keep up the exercise and write and keep writing. Today is day ONE, of the eating right part. Okay so I am late, better late than never. It really helped when I was watching the news and they mentioned an app that you can record your dietary intake and exercise. I downloaded it, yesterday, and started using it today. It said I only need 2100 calories per day to lose one pound per week. I only ate about 1500 calories today, and that was fine. I still feel hungry, I mean really, really hungry, but I plan to get over that. I guess, when you write things down it really works. And there is an app for that.

The third “resolution”, I have been working on a screenplay for the last 6 months, but it was sitting there collecting dust. When I finished it I came to the conclusion that it’s too short. Only 79 pages, so I have been stuck on it for all of this time, I have to have more than 90 pages, 90 being the minimum. One of the things I am going to do is finish this screenplay and then, of course, start on my second. What popped into my head, yesterday, got me thinking. I had given my script to a couple of friends, one in California and he gave it to a couple of producers. He said they liked it, but that was over four years ago.

So, I am going to have to do something drastic and that is what got me thinking…Why don’t I finish it and put it up for auction on eBay? Starting price; $10,000. Then I can see what happens. Hey it’s a start, and I gotta start somewhere. If, and I mean, IF, that works out, I have finished another screenplay, short also, that one will be the next on up for auction.

In any case, I need to do some research and find an agent or a studio that can use my kind of script, Science fiction. I have a bunch of stories to finish, either as novels or scripts and the short stories are just sitting there, before me, ready to go.

This, this part of my blog, will help me transition into the story's. So, I am going to see how much of this blog I can write and keep it up.

I don’t make resolutions, notwithstanding, but I did, nonetheless. I decided I needed to get up off my butt and get my business up and moving this year. Last year I went out and got a lot of equipment, paper and some ink and was ready to go. This year I am going to get a web page and hopefully, my friend’s sister will help me with marketing. But, she has been giving me the run-around.

I also plan on buying into a franchise. A publishing franchise, it’s relatively inexpensive, but it’s an end to my means. And they help with the advertising, which is helpful! Of course that means the end of watching TV all day long and of course most of the night, too, sports notwithstanding! It’s been four days and I have stayed on course, kind of, with those silly resolutions. (Heck, I just say, do it? Hmmmmm, where have I heard that before??)

Anyway, nothing much is happening in my part of the world. My son called me today and told me he was going out to sea again, next week, this time for 60 days. Hitting all of the fun spots, south of the border and parts in-between. Gosh, sometimes I wish I had joined the Navy, way back when. But, then I would have missed out working like a slave, decking transmissions on the assembly line.

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