Monday, December 27, 2010

For the love of socks...

Today was a bright sunny winter day...and I found my socks. Yes, I found my socks. I got in late last night, I went out to a friend’s after x-mas dinner, and being as I was spent, worn out, tired and just plain exhausted, I kicked off my shoes and socks into the middle of the floor.

I have two cats, Tom and Jerry, whom where both sleeping, on top of each other, (I think my cats are gay or something.), and saw me sit down at the computer. Tom stretched and come to me. Jerry, on the other hand, never comes to me. He just laid there looked at me and went back to resting his eyes.

As Tom approached I threw my socks on his back. He continued to walk around my legs. He's no fun. I took the socks off his back and threw them on the floor. I would have picked up the next day anyway. After a while I went upstairs to bed, both cats following.

This morning, at 7 a.m., the alarm went off and on either side of me were the cats. I don't remember them getting into the bed. They usually tear up the house in the early morning and don't come and get in the bed with me, well, most times. It's been colder, lately, and they are looking for heat and the heat goes off at 11 pm., I guess I am the furnace, for now.

Anyway, as I made my way downstairs, opened all of the blinds, fed them, made my tea and a bowl of cereal, I headed to my computer. Lo and behold, my socks were gone, which is weird, considering the shoes were still there. I never paid attention, but one of my socks was sitting, askew, on the stairs. But, I couldn't for the love of me, find my other sock.

A couple of hours later, still no sock. For some odd reason I went into the kitchen to throw something into the trash bin and I looked over to the dining room table. Wrapped around the dining room table leg was my other sock. Mystery solved. I now keep watch over my socks!

Sometimes my cats are way too cute. They do some of the cutest things or they fight like two crazed...cats. All for fun, I hope, considering I read that they'll do that a lot. I don't know where Jerry was, well, I kind of know, usually eating his and Tom's food. He's a fat, 18 pound cat and Tom is a skinny, 12 pound cat.

Anyway, Tom walks into the TV room and sits in the sunshine beam shinning on the floor, still looking for some heat. Tom is also very, very vocal. I remember my sister told me, when I went on vacation for a month and she was housesitting my house, that Tom talked to her so much that she was about to go mad and kill my cat. Jerry, on the other hand can say, yes or no, or at least that's what I think he's saying.

As Tom was crouched on the floor I asked him a question...Yeah, I know he doesn't speak English, and I don't speak kittenese, I just said, “how you doing?” He turned his head, looking at me and without blinking an eye; cats usually never blink their eyes, well unless you are having a starting contest with em, and threw-up.

Yup, he threw-up on the carpet. It wasn't a hair ball; it was all of his breakfast. I went and got some paper towel and cleaned up his mess. He stayed in his sunbeam for a few minutes and headed back into the kitchen; put his face back into his bowl and consumed more of his seafood platter, canned of course.

I figured that this is the first time, in a while; one or both of the cats have thrown up. Usually they do more of that in the summer months. Gosh, now that I think about it, I found a large slug of fur downstairs in the basement, one of them put it there. That was one big hair ball! Anyway, I can count the throw ups on both of my hands, in the last couple of years.

I just hate when they are lying in my bedroom window and throw-up. Now, that’s a cleanup job, windows. Many times they just eat what they throw up. I guess, to them, it’s still food. Oh well...

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