Thursday, September 15, 2016

Blooming Spiders...

It’s that time of the year again, well sort of, I remember it happens in the spring too. What you say? Spiders! On one part of my jogging lane there is about 100 meters of trees on my left side. It didn’t happen this year and that was kind of a mystery to me, because of the prior years.

When I am out jogging, sometimes walking, I am headed east into the sun. And since I have great eyesight I notice many things at a distance, especially in the bright sunlight. Today, it was spider webs. In the distance I noticed hundreds of single webs from spiders. Well, not hundreds but quite a few.

Last year I carried a 20 inch stick with just for those spider webs…also for those little dogs that bugged me along the way. Anyway, I would just put the stick in front of my face, so the webs wouldn’t get into my eyes and so forth. However, earlier this year, no spider webs, so no stick. And no little dogs, either.

So, this time, and this was the first time this year, I just held my arms up and in front of my face to deflect those single strands of glistening webs. Of course the spider webs just wrapped around my arms. When I passed the trees, by the lake, I had to get all of that sticky stuff off my arms because, that stuff itches! And if it gets in your eyes, well it’s only happened once, I don’t want to happen again, ever.

My only guess is that the spiders mated late this year and the babies are blooming! Or something is going on and the spiders are getting out of town.

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