Sunday, May 06, 2018

...and we all fall down.

I guess I am going to be out of action for a while. When I fell off of my bike, onto my right side, yesterday. It hurt so bad my left leg got jealous and decided to hurt twice as bad. To make things even worse, I just ran over my bike. Now I gotta get that fixed...geez.

I've been thinking, what's left for me to participate in? My left arm still hurts, I hurt it playing racquetball. My left hamstring still hurts from when I my son decided to wrestle me and yank my leg out of the socket. And of course, now, my right arm hurts, I cannot lift a glass of water to my mouth.

Let me see, while hiking, with newer shoes, I now have planters fasciitis. Last year, the pain was at 100 out of ten. Now, it's at a nice, 1 out of ten. Getting better, slowly. Also while hiking, I've lost at least 6 toenails! I have four more toes to go.

Two years ago, while Kayaking, I went on a 42 mile kayak trip. A first for me. Now my shoulders still hurt, especially when I walk or hike over 5 miles.

What else is left? Bowling is out, I'm left handed and the racquetball pain is still in effect. I would have to guess, camping, car camping. I do need a new tent though. Last year I left some blueberry muffins in my tent and and went to the the potluck about a mile away. When I got back a racoon ripped the side of my tent open, got the muffins and had two muffins in it's tiny thieving hands. But, camping is the only other safe thing left, for me, to do...soooooo.

Golf? Softball? My equipment is getting  dusty and rusty. My back still hurts. Gotta get back into to doing planks, crunches or any abdominal exercises! Heck walking seems to be out of the question, now. I wanted to run a 5k this year and have gotten my time to 42 minutes, this year, and that was yesterday morning. My fastest, last year 31 minutes. But, as of late, just walking, it took me one hour and twenty-minutes today, my average is 52 minutes.

Yes, I am not a spring chicken anymore, is age catching up with me? As my neighbor always says, "age is nothing but how old you think you feel." Actually, that's my saying, but we go back and forth on the age thing and the things we love to do, sports related. Ain't retirement grand?

Anyway, I just got back from CVS and I really wish this Motrin kicks in sooner than later!!!

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