Thursday, May 31, 2018

I haven't been feeling well for the last 3 weeks. It started with me catching a cold. This the second cold I have had in the 15 or more years. The first cold was in January of last year.

Today I feel 100% better than I did that past Thursday. My hip, on the other hand, well, it too feels a tiny bit better. I can lay on my back and sides now, and I don't have to bend slightly to my left side to walk, I can stand up straight...yaaaaaa... 

I guess I should get off of this computer and wash my long awaited, soiled dishes and make something to eat, considering, I have lost my appetite. My body and mind keep telling me, I'm not hungry. 

This past weekend all I had was 3 bananas and a few apples for B'fast, lunch and dinner and I wasn't hungry, at all. Yesterday I had to force myself to eat B'fast, as I did today. Now, for lunch, today, Pancakes or a Burrito? Still not really hungry, though.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Working hard or hardly working...and kittens!

I went out, today, to get my cats, Tom and Jerry, some treats. While in the store the youngster, at the cash register, mentioned I could come at work at the store, if I wanted to work. I had mentioned that I do not work anymore.

I thought about that for a hot second. She also mentioned that I did work for the pet store I could get a free kitten, considering, I already have two cats. What am I going to do with another cat? Even though my cats will be 13 years old this coming…I’m guessing September or October.

But, no. No work and no more cats, for now. It’s bad enough that the two I have now act like they want to kill each other. Feeding time, friends. Being in the same room, death to the…but, I digress.

That got me thinking. I had realized that including working as a paperboy for about three year, working as a fry cook at a local burger joint, working in a mattress factory for the summer, working at Chrysler for a summer, and of course, working at Ford for 3 decades, I have worked for 50 (not exact) of my 65 years! That’s not including working around the house; I had a ton of chores to do and the work I did for the neighbors.

Now, why in the world would I want to work for anyone ever again? Well, maybe for some extra gas money or to travel out of the country, like I use to when I was working.

But, no. I don’t think that will ever happen. I worked hard over those five decades and now it is time for me to take it easy, as I have for the last 12 years, coming up as of July first. Even though retirement is okay, I still have time to relax when I want to. To be honest, heck, every day! (Every day is Saturday, except Sundays and holidays and of course my birthday). 

What I have been doing on the last 12 years, I work as hard as I want to or I should say as hard as it takes to write a novel! That is as hard as I ever want to work again. Considering, writing a novel is hard, very hard work. I did finish my last novel this past March. I am now in the process of writing the second draft and that is time consuming and blowing my mind. It is hard work, to say the least, and I really enjoy writing, always have and always will.

But, no. I will not be working at the pet store, I wouldn’t mind bartending, I enjoyed that when I did, way back in the distant past. Nevertheless, I’m fine and I will survive. I just hope my fingers don’t give out in the meantime, because I have 30 or so books I want to write.
As for getting another cat…I’m thinking about it!

Sunday, May 06, 2018

...and we all fall down.

I guess I am going to be out of action for a while. When I fell off of my bike, onto my right side, yesterday. It hurt so bad my left leg got jealous and decided to hurt twice as bad. To make things even worse, I just ran over my bike. Now I gotta get that fixed...geez.

I've been thinking, what's left for me to participate in? My left arm still hurts, I hurt it playing racquetball. My left hamstring still hurts from when I my son decided to wrestle me and yank my leg out of the socket. And of course, now, my right arm hurts, I cannot lift a glass of water to my mouth.

Let me see, while hiking, with newer shoes, I now have planters fasciitis. Last year, the pain was at 100 out of ten. Now, it's at a nice, 1 out of ten. Getting better, slowly. Also while hiking, I've lost at least 6 toenails! I have four more toes to go.

Two years ago, while Kayaking, I went on a 42 mile kayak trip. A first for me. Now my shoulders still hurt, especially when I walk or hike over 5 miles.

What else is left? Bowling is out, I'm left handed and the racquetball pain is still in effect. I would have to guess, camping, car camping. I do need a new tent though. Last year I left some blueberry muffins in my tent and and went to the the potluck about a mile away. When I got back a racoon ripped the side of my tent open, got the muffins and had two muffins in it's tiny thieving hands. But, camping is the only other safe thing left, for me, to do...soooooo.

Golf? Softball? My equipment is getting  dusty and rusty. My back still hurts. Gotta get back into to doing planks, crunches or any abdominal exercises! Heck walking seems to be out of the question, now. I wanted to run a 5k this year and have gotten my time to 42 minutes, this year, and that was yesterday morning. My fastest, last year 31 minutes. But, as of late, just walking, it took me one hour and twenty-minutes today, my average is 52 minutes.

Yes, I am not a spring chicken anymore, is age catching up with me? As my neighbor always says, "age is nothing but how old you think you feel." Actually, that's my saying, but we go back and forth on the age thing and the things we love to do, sports related. Ain't retirement grand?

Anyway, I just got back from CVS and I really wish this Motrin kicks in sooner than later!!!

Thursday, May 03, 2018

Apples, apples, apples. Spring has sprung!

Here's something you don't see every day: While on my daily walk, on an obscure street, I saw a strange vehicle coming towards me. Tons of weird protrusions on the top. As it passed I read, APPLE MAPS on the sides. So, in the near future you may see me walking by. I should have taken a picture, it looped me at least three times. Oh well...