Monday, October 31, 2016

I've lost my mind and I can't get up...

About 3 weeks ago, as I was sitting in my car going somewhere, I took the tab, on my phone, off so I can charge my phone. It broke off of the hinge so now I have to keep tabs as to where I put it. For the love of me, I could not find the tab later that day. I practically cleaned my car out looking for the tab. The tab keeps the phone water-proof.

A few days ago, as I was reaching into the armrest, you will never know what I found. Yes, it was that tab. I have no idea why I never looked in there first. What I had thought was, I put the tab in my hat and when I went to put the hat on, I thought I saw something, little and black, fly by me. I thought it was the tab and I decided to look for it when I got out of the car.

This past Saturday I went on a 4 mile hike and I took a lot of pictures. When I got home, I could not find my camera. I tried to remember what I did with it. Again, I searched the car, under the seats, in my backpack, in my hiking boots, to no avail. This morning, just before the alarm went off, I woke up and tried to think about where and what I did to lose my camera. 

 I turned it over in my mind for 10 minutes or so. I got to the part where I took the camera out of the camera holder I had attached to my backpack and I remember getting into the car with it. After that, everything drew a blank. I got up and went about my daily grind. I went out on my daily walk and the thought of not taking picture got me angry, for a moment.

A few minutes ago, as I was taking a shower, I happened to think about that tab, and I had to chuckle. Then it hit me! I remembered where the camera might be. I put my clothes on and went downstairs and out into the garage, opened the car door, lean in and opened the arm rest. Sure enough, the camera was sitting there laughing at me.

I am really going to have to give up drinking or when I am on a hike quit picking and eating them mushroom! 

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