Saturday, May 12, 2012

I will work for food...

            Today is May 12, 2012 and it’s a beautiful rainy day. It’s one of those days that I figured that I needed to get up off of my butt and do some of the things that needed to be done. Like clean up, wash the dishes, wash my sheets and towels, and stuff like that. During that time many, many thoughts swirled around in my mind, so I am going to write about one of them today, now.
            Anyway, after 50 years, I learned something and I am going to have to change my attitude, mind and the way I do things from now on. What did I learn? That it is harder to get people to help you out if you don’t pay them, and usually up front. So, now I am going to have to learn how to do the things I need to get my novels finished.
            Now, I am not mad at those folks for not coming through, I know that they, those I have asked to help me, are very, very busy with their own lives and businesses. I had contacted a few people to read my novel, well over a month ago and get back with me and let me know if it’s a thumb up or thumb down. Nothing much, they didn’t have to edit or anything else.
            That was a month ago, and still I wait. Now, my main supporter said he would look at the big picture and do covers for my novel and I told him I would compensate him later and he was good with that. He just happened to show a check he got for doing some work for a client, about a grand, and that got me to thinking.
            Anyway, as for my cover, I can’t use the one he created because he used known celebrities as the models. So, that would mean that I have to go and find models, a man and woman to pose. I asked around and lo and behold, after a month and a half nothing doing. So, I opted to just use the background as my cover, which is just as good.
            Another thing that fries me, I have found out that even if you purchase picture from photographers, you can’t use them if it involves making money with your subject, such as a book. Meaning I have to pay the photographer a royalty and the model a royalty. I had the perfect picture for my book of poems but had to scrap it because I was told that I have to find a lawyer and work out some sort of agreement. Time and money, which seem to slipping through my hand. So, I just went with pictures of family, of course, with their consent. Now that I think about it, I have always used picture that I have taken anyway. I guess I am going to have to go out and purchase a newer and better digital SLR.
            But, now that I want to get things moving, things have stalled. So, I decided that I am going to have to learn how to use Photo Shop, which I have had on my computer for quite a number of years. I went to YouTube and found that there are tutorials on how to make covers for novels. Well, that should save me a little and I can learn at the same time.
            I do have a niece reading my novel and I would love for her to help me edit a few others, also. But, she too is a busy young woman. I have told her I would compensate her but she said no. But, I think I will start to pay her for her help on this and any project that comes alone, but that may not work because she just got accepted in a master’s program in creative writing poetry, go figure.
            So, being the starving writer that I am, I have to start saving some cash so that I can get my work read and edited. I have a friend, well, someone I have known for some time now, to edit my work and he, kind of, agreed to do it and I can pay him later. Which is what, it would seem, I am going to have to do. He mentioned that he had quit being an editor but, I don’t know if it was I or others who convinced him to return to editing. But, I know it sure will help.
            Then again maybe I should learn how to edit my own writing. I know when I look at other’s writings I can see what is what and can edit it, but doing my own is harder than putting on a size 9 shoe with a size 12 foot.  I figure, practice makes perfect or practice, practice, practice! Not like that basketball player who stated he hates to practice.
            There are so many things that I need to do and since I retired, and I haven’t done them. That is going to change. I am tired of eating pb&j and tuna sandwiches. Not like anything has changed since I was last working at a real job. I just like pb&j sandwiches. But, I’m willing to work for food, but I better get to stepping or I will be left behind.
            And, of course, make sure that my novels sell so I can pay, up front.

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