Monday, June 27, 2016

what's the dumbest thing you have ever done?

Facebook: "What’s the dumbest thing I have ever done, I thought? That is not how it started out, but I ended up thinking about it anyway. Last night as I was lying in my bed, well after midnight, with the fan blowing as hard as its blades could turn, I started to think about the birds and the bees.
Well, actually birds, more like the hummingbird I saw the other day. I was thinking that I should go out and get a hummingbird feeder. That may or may not bring more hummingbirds to my backyard, but it was worth trying. Anyway, as I thought about it, I was thinking, bees might be attracted to the feeder, too.
Bees…would it also attract all other flying insects? Anyway, that got me thinking about bees. Way back in time, when I was about 10 years old or so, I remember staying at my grandparents’ home out in the farmlands of Maryland.
My brothers, my cousin and I decided to mess with bees, now that I think about it, it was hornets. We spotted a hornet’s nest above a window that was my grandmother’s bedroom. We decided to knock it down.
I remember getting a broom and the window was opened and I swatted and knocked the nest down. The hornets got mad, real mad and started to swarm. I threw the broom out the window trying to knock them out of the sky, that didn’t work at all.
Since that was my grandmother’s room, I didn’t want them to get into the house. But, I had nothing to keep them from coming in. So, being a 10, or so, years old kid, I did the next best thing. I used my hands to keep them stinging fools out of the room. Naturally, I got stung on my hand. Someone, who just happened to think about it, shut the window, problem solved.
Of course that is probably one of those dumb things kids do when you are having dumb fun. I probably can think of many more, which I will. My brothers and I were way beyond mischievous back in the day, still kind of shows today."

'via Blog this'

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