Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Feed me!!

Fred Green: "I am either going to have to stay awake 24/7/365 or go to sleep earlier. But, I don’t think either one is going to happen. I usually get in the bed about midnight or around 12:30ish, and I get up about 7am. This is not always the case, I mean, usually, anywhere from 7 to maybe 8ish.
This all brings me to my Crazy cat Tom. Every morning, when he feels that I am on the verge of waking, for any reason, he has to let me know that I have to get up and feed him. And, believe me, he usually doesn’t stop F&%$ing with me until I do get up.
Take this morning, for some odd reason I woke up about 5:06 am. I noticed that the full moon was blasting into my bedroom right into my eyes and yes, it was bright enough to wake me and the birds had started their morning songs. I also notice Tom sitting on the window ledge looking at whatever was moving outside.
As I stirred, he notices me moving and jumps down from his perch and jumps up onto the bed. The first thing he does it rubs his head, if I am lying on my side, on my chest. When I tell him to leave me alone he starts to claw at the covers, trying to remove them so I can get up…to feed him.
After a few moments, he usually stops lays at the edge of the side of the bed and gets a couple of minutes of rest before his next onslaught. I just want to know, if I am lying on my side I have to be no more than six inch wide. Why, when he jumps over me, he take about six or seven steps to get over me, heck, he only has four feet.
Between 5 am and 7 am, I get about 30 or 40 minutes of sleep. Tom will keep doing the jumping over me, when I turn over on my left side and then over onto my right side. When the alarm goes off and I have not gotten out of the bed Tom start to bat me on my lips. I’m guessing that means he’s hungry. Sometimes he misses and drives his claws right into my beard. That usually does the trick and I get up.
The day is saved and my children, I mean cats, won’t starve, at least until tomorrow morning."

'via Blog this'

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