Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I'm hungry...

Facebook: "My cat, Tom, has lost his F'ing mind! This morning, about 6:43am, my alarm goes off at 7, I woke up to him sitting close to my face just staring at me with his usual crazy cat look.
Seconds later he started to punch me in the face (actually just dabbing his paw at me). He kept punching me so I turned over onto my left side. He then jumped over me and was again sitting close to me, punching me.
I pushed him off the bed and he went and knocked the trash can over, went into the bathroom and I heard the trashcan there being knocked over.
A few seconds later he went to the hall closet and tried to open it, he is not that smart though, I have a wedge holding it shut. When I yelled for him to stop he went back into the bathroom and proceeded to try and open the doors under the sink. I could hear them banging, he could open, an inch or so, but couldn't get them opened and the doors slammed shut.
So, I had to get up and he, and his brother got fed. i should have gotten back into the bed though. Thank goodness for naps!"

'via Blog this'

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