Monday, February 05, 2018

2018 goals, decisions and not a single resolution...

Oh yeah, and a few good decisions too!
Wow, look at the time, it’s February 5th. That would mean that it has been 36 day, and still no resolutions for 2018, something that I stopped doing many, many years ago. I would prefer to stick with having goals.

The main goal, Finish the novel that I am writing, now. Finish my third book of poems, finish the book of 50 word stories and start a new novel this year. Of course there are many more goals, most of them just the personal goal that help with my happiness. So many things to do, so little time, so I best to get ta steppin!

It is also noted, I haven’t really written anything in my blog for the entire month of January. But, I have been writing, especially my novel. What I mean, just little snippets. So, what I am going to do is just do that, unless I have something significant to say.

I think my life is full of those little snippets, paragraphs of me. So, it begins…

I was planning on doing nothing today, nothing, not even getting out of my PJs...Well except write, early. As I was sitting here and one of my cats came to me and I asked it if he was hungry, he said, yes (Meow). So, I got up and fed him. But, he didn't want it. I looked in the cat food bin and it was empty. Sooo, I decided to put my clothes on and run to the store and get them their needs. 

I decided, while I was out I would stop at the CVS for a few things for me. Hey, I had a $6 winning Lotto ticket, from last year to cash. 

I got home and decided that I had to wash the dishes, then make lunch and watch at least an hour of the shows I recorded last night. And, of course, check up on the latest on Facebook. So here I am, I better get back to writing...soon, soon.

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