Monday, August 15, 2016

Too sweet for me…

It has been about six days since I decided to stop eating sweet sticky stuff, you know, like donuts, cake, pies, and cookies and of course, my favorite, ice cream…vanilla. It had just occurred to me, even though I have thought about it many times in my lifetime that I really need to quit the sweets.

I figured, in 2015 and the earlier part of this year, for all the exercise I do I could at least have something sweet once a month or once a week. I really went overboard last year, though. However, I was doing three times more things last year than I am doing this year.

Another thing that just hit me, three weeks ago I weighed in at 199. Six days ago, I was at 208! During that time span, I had consumed three dozen cookies, a couple, half gallon, tubs of ice cream and a couple donuts. Eight pounds! The peanut butter cookies were 150 calories each and I had four with my coffee every morning.

Six days ago, I decided to pick up my walking and run at least one mile in between. Yesterday and today, I ran most of the three miles. As of yesterday, I weighed 202 pounds. I really haven’t included any extra activities this year, yet but I really think I need to. In addition, the best way to help drop those pounds, lift weights. 

Earlier this year I hurt my shoulder, playing racquetball, and it still hurts today, but not as bad as it did in March. That is the reason I stopped lifting. However, I stopped the lifting part and only walked, every day.

It’s funny, strange or just real…in 2014 I didn’t eat sweets at all, (at least I don’t remember eating any sweets), and I dropped almost 80 pounds. 2015 was a different story.

I am not doing this to look slimmer or great, not saying that I don’t all ready, but in 2013,  a visit to the doctor and I found out that my sugar level was super high, my cholesterol was super high, and my BP was elevated, higher that I have ever experienced in my life. The doctor put me on blood pressure drugs and I am not into drugs. So, I stopped the drugs at the end of 2013 and started my workouts.

Now, I am afraid to stop, well, not really, I enjoy working out, sort of. I would love to ramp my routines up, a lot, though. This, so I won’t be as weak as I was at the beginning of this year, I am going to join one of those gym, the $10 a month gym and stay on the bicycle so won’t get as tired and I’ll be ready for those long, long bicycle trips. 

I know I am not going to live forever, (most of my aunts and uncles, on my mother’s side have lived into their 90’s and the last living aunt is 98 and still gets out and dances and enjoys life), but I want to make the most out of the life I have now and if it means getting out and running, walking, hiking, kayaking, biking, softball, racquetball, and golf, (all the things I do now), then that’s what I am going to do to stay healthy and do away with sweets and stuff…oh yeah, and potato chips, too. 

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