Sunday, August 07, 2016

If it breaks...

Facebook: "I gotta hand it to my son, sort of. He kept reminding me that in order to fix something around the house and you don’t know how to fix it…Look it up on YouTube. Why I keep forgetting to do that is a question…I keep forgetting.

About four months ago my water filter cleaner, even though it was turned off, broke a seal and billions of little glass-looking balls leaked into my cold water line. After going to the water company to find out what those things were, they told me to turn off the valve on the filter. It took me a while but I finally had figured out where that valve was and shut it off.

Now, the problem was to flush my water lines out, which took about an hour or so of flushing. In the meantime, my only real problem was my kitchen faucet was stopped up, completely. At the time, I tried to take the faucet off but I couldn’t quite get up under the sink to pull the thing out.

So, I just decided that I would use the dish washer until I purchased a new faucet. This one was on the cheap, only $80. A new one would cost about $120! So, like a typical man I would use all of the plates, cups, pots and pans and when I had enough to fill the dish washer I would turn it on, cleaning the whole lot twice a week or so.

This went well during that time. Individual plates and cups and stuff I would go to the bathroom, next to the kitchen and wash them out in the sink. All this time it started to get on my last nerve, then, out of the blue, like a bolt of lightning, right in the head…I remembered YouTube.

I just happened to have the exact same faucet as the one the guy was working on and I played it and watched it and did what the guy was doing. Of course, it only took him a few minutes to check it out. Me, on the other hand about a half hour to finish the task.

Yes, the little chamber was filled with those stupid little balls and was totally clogged up. It just took me, almost forever to get that plug out, my fingers are too fat. Nevertheless, work it out I did.

It had occurred to me though, “I am not a plumber, I’m a writer.” But, Thank you son and YouTube. Now if I can just remember to use YouTube when something else breaks around the house."

'via Blog this'

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