Friday, February 15, 2013

The big 60!

Today is February 15, 2013 and tomorrow is my 60th birthday. I have been trying to find things to write about but I didn’t know my life was this boring, as far as finding something to write about. Well, actually it isn’t that boring, but I have my dry spells every now and then and I am hoping that 2013 isn’t one of those boring (for writing) years.
            I did have a boring, I mean uneventful Valentine’s Day, but it is an over priced commercially created day. And since I have been divorced for the 22 years, 2 month, 5 days, 4 hours, 53 minutes and a few odd seconds ago, I really haven’t participated. Anyway, I need to write something.
            That brings me to today. I am going to start here, on this blog, and then take it from there. The more I look at my life and life in general; I have come to the conclusion that every day is a holiday, or my birthday, or Saturday, or Sunday, for that matter.
 So, tomorrow is just another day for me, considering I celebrated all of the above today. I will enjoy tomorrow, I purchased a 6 pack to help me celebrate, though, and it will be a first for me, being that I will be 60 Fracking years old! Yea!
I do know that I have to get ready for this coming spring and summer, because I plan to be as active as I possibly can. One of the things I am going to get, no matter what…some new running shoes!!! The last time I ran was in October.
I did walk this past December and January and I ran a couple hundred feet or so, but couldn’t continue running because I lost my wind, not doing anything in those past few months. I hate not working out, I miss it badly.
Those of a few of the things I need to do this year. I also figure working out  keeps me “young” (looking). But, since I grew another beard, this past October, I look like and old goat.
 It’s funny; I retired in June of 2006 and hadn’t had a beard in 15 years, this is the second time in the last two years, though. I really haven’t gone anywhere or done anything, so I figured, why shave. I am going to have to shave it off, soon, well at least when it starts getting warm again.
I guess I’d better start on my Short story. But, first I gotta get up off my butt, because it’s starting to hurt from sitting here in front of this computer for so long! Aches and pains, you can’t live with em and you can’t live with out em! Ouch! Yea, 60!!

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