Sunday, February 26, 2017

the bad Back...

Day 2, my back held hostage. I know me better than...funny, though, I have worked out 40 out of the last 50 day, but, and here is your big "but", I have done nothing for my core. No wonder my back is hurting as bad as it today. Oh well... Where is my Motrin?

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Friday, February 17, 2017

I just gotta know one thing...

"I just gotta know one thing; you can eat just about everything on this planet, but why is it when you eat spinach you alway have a piece spinach stuck to your teeth??"

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017


OMG!! I have gained 18 pounds since Christmas and 8 in the last 10 days! (And it's not muscle). Considering I joined Planet Fitness and I have worked out 25 out of 31 days in January. I emptied the trash this past Sunday and found 3 empty large bags of chips. Plus, I took the past week off so I could just relax and let my body...relax.
Anyway, I have finished of the rest of those chips, and I finished, this morning, the rest of those cookies. I am going back to the old ways and eat the way I did the past 3 years, no more junk food! For real! NO more junk food! I gotta get rid of those last 18 pounds and more if I can.

Monday, February 13, 2017

20 words that once meant something very different...

I got into an innocuous spat with a friend on Facebook today over the use of a word. I remember hearing this word back in the 50s or 60s. The word was "Crone". As I remember it was, as I looked up in the dictionary, way back when, had something to do with the witch in "Snow White".

Anyway, my Facebook Friend introduced me to a book, "The Crone: Women of  Age, Wisdom, and Power," and stated, "The wisdom and value of older women is often marginalized in Western Culture." And that makes total sense.

I read, or I saw it on YouTube, recently, Words that had their meaning changed over many millennia. I found it interesting as I found this and many other views on how and why words were changed.

20 words that once meant something very different |:

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Monday, February 06, 2017

Not feeling it today.

Fred Green - Not feeling it today. I wanted to go to the gym,...: "Not feeling it today. I wanted to go to the gym, early, but I guess I will just go to the throne room and read a book -- War and Peace -- I should feel better by the time I finish."

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Sunday, February 05, 2017

(3) Fred's Place

(3) Fred's Place: "Don't you hate it when a word pops into your head and you have never heard the word before, or seen the word before. And every couple minutes you think of that word. You can pronounce the word correctly...but you don't know the definition. that word I hear, in my mind; euclidean -- weird, huh?"

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