Monday, July 04, 2005

This past weekend

Again, I am still at that point where I still don't have a clue about what to put into a blog page. Trust me on this. It all seems to be more complicated that what I thought it would be. I wanted to write about my daily writing experiences, but it's been a while since I did any real writing.

But, looking at other blogs I wondered. So, I guess I will write about things that are important to me or strange or weird or whatever. I can do that, I guess. So, I thought I would write about this weekend. It had its ups and downs. Mostly up, though. This was the Forth of July weekend.

July 2nd

It was late this night. I thought I would go and sit on my deck and look at the stars. I forgot to put my telescope out earlier in the day so that it could become used to the weather, humidity, etc. So, I just took out my binoculars and looked to the heavens for a show. In the distance the booms of fireworks were going off. It sounded like I was in a war zone. I truly feared that maybe someone was shooting a gun and I might get shot. But, in the background I could see the flashes and at times I could see the sparkling, the fluttering of those sparks that resembled angry butterflies.

I scanned the skys and the first thing I saw through my bino's was a satellite. As I looked with my bare eyes, I could see it clearly. I again scanned the skys and noticed another satellite. Usually I check a web site called Heavens-above to get the times of satellites so could be aware of the time they fly over. But I was still amazed, then.

Suddenly, there was silence, as brief as it was it seemed like a lifetime. I looked again into the sky, this time I saw a falling star, for those who don't know, a meteorite. It lasted a full five seconds before it disappeared. I felt, elated, charmed, maybe. Then with out warning the firework display continued. And of course just about everyone in the neighborhood, shooting off their firecrackers. This went on even later on into the night.

July 3rd.

I had decided the month before that I was going to have a BBQ, on this day. I invited my sisters, my brothers all live several thousand miles away, and a few close friends of mine over to enjoy this day with me. As usual I should have told one of my sisters to be there at 11 am. But I forgot and of course she showed up at a little after 7 pm. I had asked everyone to come around 3 pm or earlier.

Anyway, I ran to the store, early, and picked up some chicken breast and beer. I forgot that here in Michigan,(I don't know about other states) but you can't buy beer before 12 noon. So I had to forgo beer. Darn it. I would be back. At that point I would have to wait until my son to come so I could run back out and purchase my weekend drink. He had called and told me that he would be early.

I got back and fired up the grills and proceded to cook those tasty meats. I just happened to be a vegetarian, and have only resently started eating chicken and fish. So, that is about what I cooked on the grill. I forgot to pull out the salmon and shrimp. Oh well... All in all everything went well for the most part of the day. And I was happy with all that went on.

My son, the man...

For the most part, I love my oldest son, very much. He as learned so much and has done so much to improve his life. Of course it seems like he is following in my footsteps, to a small degree. But, for the better. And I hope for the better. But, he showed me something that I never seen before. And in a way said to prove to me that he isn't my little boy anymore. And after all that was said and done, I guess I can't treat him as a boy anymore. He is now grown, in my eyes. I wish I could say that for my youngest who wants to be treated as man but wants to act like a child, around me.

I usually never horse-play with my son. I am too old and hurt every where. (kidding) But, I have now felt what it's like to be 52. Concidering that I have spent a good part of my life being active. Meaning I spend and have spent a good part of my life in the gym. Or on the racquetball court, or on a softball diamond or at a bowling ally. I guess all my activties are catching up with me. And I do hurt more now that often.

Anyway, I gave my son a good tap upside his head and he jumped up and fronted me. I am old school and that's something you just don't do. Well, I thought it started out as play, but it started to get a little rough. Now, I can bench press my weight, so I wasn't going to do something to hurt my son.

Now, if we were outside it would have been different, but we were inside. I guess since we have really never played to that extreme I didn't know what to expect. What surprised me and confused me, at the same time, he seemed like he was trying to hurt me. I guess he though he was a wrestler in the WWF or something. And was yelling out holds as he twisted my leg. Causing pain shoot through my hip, knee and ankle. Also causing me to skin my other knee and elbow.

I think I went a little overboard and said a few things I shouldn't have said in my anger. And I guess at that point the party was over. My son tried to apologize but I didn't want to listen. I couldn't. I was hurt inside and out. My sister had confided with me, that is how he plays with his brother and friends. But, I am not his brother or one of his friends.

I just could believe that he was trying to hurt me. I am not his age and I now know that I don't heal as I use to and I get pains, from working out at the gym that last for months. Well, he left in a huff. Telling me that he would never talk to me again. But, I guess after I calmed down I called him a apologized and we had a long talk. I hope that put things to rest. I haven't heard from him today. I also called everyone who was there and apologized to them also. Oh well... My son told me he now want's to be treated like a man, he's no boy, now.

July 4th

I got out of the bed late today. Considering I woke up about 6 am and then had a rollover accident. I rolled over and went back to sleep. The next time I opened my eyes it was 9:38 am. Cool. I got up and went to make breakfast. The amount of food was overwhelming. I figured I might as well have a cup of coffee and a piece of cake, no, a cupcake, a red, white and blue cupcake, on top of that. But, I search and searched but could find no coffee. I took my last can of coffee to work. Oh well...

Anyway, I just made a bowl of oatmeal, with blueberries and raisins. I did, also, have that piece of cake, cream cheese strawberry! And a glass of water.

As if is, I am just going to chill today. Do not much of anything at all. Well, get on this computer and see if I can write anything, as I sit here on my deck in the 88 degree weather in the shade waiting for the brewing storm to come. My weather bug just announced it and I checked. I see the clouds off to the west. It's clear to my east. So, I guess I won't have to water the grass after all! '-)

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