I broke my five and a half day fast this morning, normally, for
the past 37 years, I have fasted for at least seven day, but I wanted to go
hiking and get out on the lake and kayak a little.
I went to the grocery store yesterday to get all the food
that I needed to break my fast and what I needed for the next two weeks or so.
I usually average $130 when I go grocery shopping, and I usually get a ton of
processed food. Stuff like, veggie burgers, canned stuff, lots of frozen stuff,
stuff like that, (cookies, donuts, chips…). I thought I would do something
different this time…considering that I do this just about every time I fast.
This time I was going to cook, my meals, again. So, I got a lot
of vegetables and fruits. I did end up getting some of those frozen veggie
burgers, they taste so great, though. When I finished my total bill was only
$79! What saved me a lot, I didn’t get a ton of chips and cookies and donuts
and way too many other sweet things.
Another thing I did was download and print as many
vegetarian recipes as I could find, considering I have a Pinterest page of
nothing but vegetarian food and all of the veggie burgers I could find. Heck, I
have plenty of time to do what I need to do every day so why not cook
breakfast, lunch and dinner?
I just so happened to find a recipe for a bunch of soup, I
love soup. I really haven’t had a lot of soup because they come in cans and are
full of sodium. As it is, my blood pressure is/was high enough, now. I haven’t
checked as of late but, it doing well and I have lowered it in past months.
In my life, I have never liked split-pea soup but, as of late,
it is one of my favorites, and Tomato soup. I found recipes for both. I will be
cooking up a storm this week.
The one thing I have to watch out for and have done this
just about every time I finish a fast, I eat too much at lunch. I usually break
my fast with an apple and then, at lunch I make something with a lot of things
with protein and find it hard to stop eating. I eat too much and regret it in
the end. Not this time. I will not fall into that trap again and, so far so
good. Well, I did have two extra pieces
In 2014, I stayed away from a lot of sweets, chips and a lot
of other junk foods and lost 78 pounds. Of course I also ran, more often than
not, walked, hiked and biked over 1800 miles that year. In 2015, I figure that
I could now eat more because I exercised more, now that I think about it, not
as much as the year before. I still ended doing about 1300 total miles. However,
I gained 10 pounds.
I weighed in at 200 this year and have stayed that weight
all year. Today I am 14 pounds under what I was last Sunday. Now, it’s back to
the old ways, staying away from all that isn’t good for me, maybe…, I not give
up beer, though, I love beer! I hope it won’t be as hard as it has been, my entire
adult life but every day is a learning experience.
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