Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Bucket List...or things that I will probably do anyway.

I’ve noticed that just about everyone, now a days, is putting together a bucket list. I was first aware of this “list” when I first saw that movie “Bucket List” way back in 2007. The more I think about it, it never occurred to me to find things to do before I die.
I’m sure there are millions of things to do, but being the age that I am now, I think I have done just about all the things I wanted to do in my life. Yes, of course there are a few more things that I could probably put on this so-called list.
Heck, I figure that my daughter-in-law, who is thirty something can do it why not me. There a few things that I really don’t care about any more like air travel, for instance, unless I am the pilot. Been there, done that. Besides, I am truly afraid of flying. I did most that when I was younger, but times have changed, I think for the worst as far as air travel is concerned.
But, I guess I could throw in a few places I would still love to go to. I mean I’ve gone white water rafting a few times, canoed rivers, backpacked and hiked trails, driven across the country several times and I do want to do that again. My list may be weird but it’s what I want to do before I die, my Bucket List.

1.      Publish my first novel
2.      publish my first short story
3.      publish my second short story.
4.      Have my first fictional autobiography, DAP traditionally published
5.      Finish my third novel, ROB
6.      Finish my fourth novel, Gate 4
7.      Finish my fifth novel, C-Med
8.      Finish my sixth novel, White Lake
9.      Finish my seventh novel, Pole
10.  Finish those 45 sci-fi stories I outlined 20 years ago

The list above I want to finish before I do the other things on my list.

11.  Meet every woman I have known through the internet…wait, I did that already, but heck I’ll have to do that again.
12.  Learn how to make beer
13.  Learn how to fly a plane
14.  Learn how to pilot a sail boat
15.  Learn Spanish, for real! I had it in High school, collage, a Spanish speaking friend and I still can’t speak Spanish.
16.  Take the train to Montreal
17.  Learn how to ball room dance
18.  Learn how to play the piano – I took lessons once, so long ago
19.  See a Full solar eclipse
20.  Bowl a 300 – I rolled a 299
21.  Hit a home run in softball, over the fence -- I’ve had an inside the park home run, but…
22.  Go to a Detroit Tigers game in every city they play
23.  See Mount Rushmore
24.  See the Northern Lights
25.  Learn to snowboard
26.  Run the Warrior Dash
27.  Run a half marathon
28.  Heck, run a 5k
29.  RV across the USA
30.  Drive to Alaska – a long time dream

31.  Finally, do at least one orbit of the Earth in someone’s rocket ship.

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