Thursday, January 05, 2012

Resolutions Part 11 -- losing weight?

One of those good years
            In the past few years I have told myself that I would never make a resolution. Why you ask? In the past 40 years or so, I have never kept a resolution; it’s as simple as that. I make them but they all seem to fail anyway. So, what I do is just implement something new into my life which makes it ever so harder to break and fail.
            That brings me around to, weight gain, weight lost. I have the feeling that most of us have all been there, a few times in our lives, I know I have. I was reading something today and it stated that the average women, in a relationship, gains about 15 pounds. I don’t know that it is for men, but for me, it’s been a lot.
            I don’t remember what I weighted during my first marriage, but I can say that when I left and got divorced I got down to 155 pounds and stayed that way for a couple of year. That’s because I joined a gym and worked my behind off. When I met my second wife I was still at 155 and I was bench-pressing about 300 pounds. Of course, at the time, I only pushed it once, but I got it up there.
            During my second marriage, I found out too late, my ex liked to cook! She cooked quite a lot, the only thing that bugged me; she would always make my favorite, peach cobbler. But, she would only make it for her brother, and yes, that bugged me. I would have to go over to his house just to get a piece and I always got a big piece and second helpings.  What made things worse, I hated to waste anything, especially food. She would make those Sunday dinners and my two boys would never eat anything, just call me the human food, never, waste-anything, eat the leftovers, dad.
1980, my first year of marriage
            In the 10 years I was married, at the end,  I weighed in at about 270 pounds. When I left I went back into the gym, which was free for Ford Motor employees. I was there for lunch and after work, six days a week. By the end of 1990 I was down to 190 pounds and I stayed there for, maybe, five years or so.
            During the 90s I was in and out of relationships, but nothing meaningful, so the weight stayed about the same until 1996 or 97, I can’t remember what year, but that is when my department moved to a new building. In that new building was a brand new gym, a state of the art facility. But, the gym didn’t open for quite a few months after we moved in. So, in the meantime I lost my edge to hang out in the gym. I, again, don’t remember what I got up to but I am guessing around 240 pounds.
            But then the gym opened and I again spent my lunch and after work time working out. I got down to my best, what I think I have ever been, 225. And gym staff thought I was too skinny. But, I had put on about 25 pounds of muscle. Well, I don’t know if that is right or not, I have worked out in a gym since I was about 15 years old, I would have to say that I rearranged  my muscle mass around. I think I looked great then, especially my shoulders, arms, chest and legs. I couldn’t do anything with my stomach because I had surgery as a child and they did a bad job of putting me back together.
            Anyway, in 2001 I met a woman and I stayed with her until 2004, when I asked her to leave. But by then I had put on almost 30 pounds, I had gotten up over 250 pounds. Of course, in January of 2005 (yes I made a resolution, one of many) I hit the gym and again kept my weight down and playing racquetball helped a lot. At the end of 2005 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
            That took a lot out of me, then. In 2006 I was still playing racquetball but I was in the gym for maybe one or two days a week. During that time it was announced that Ford was offering Buyouts, and with enough time, one could retire. But, they, my department, would only allow 12 people, considering there were 40 of us working there, to take the buyout.  For a few months we fought as to who would stay and who wanted to go. Even though I had saved about 60k and would have gotten 40k for the buyout, I really wanted to stay. But, as I was feeling, I was going to go anyway.
            Around the end of April it was announced that everyone could go. My vacation was in June and I decided to take the entire month off because my surgery was scheduled for June 30th and I was to retire July 1st.
            After the surgery I joined Lifetime Fitness only because they gave Ford employees a discount. I was there for a year when I realized that the place wasn’t for me. So, I quit and that was the end of me working out…then.
            All during that time I kind of got back up there, around, give or take, 250 pounds. In 2009 I got into another relationship, she really looked good, and I was still kind of pokey. In that one year we were together we went to dinner just about every week and I cooked for her. She kind of just threw everything in the microwave to cook and most dinners at her house was soup with crackers.
2009, the relationship fervor

            Anyway, not only did I pick up weight, she got huge. I was walking every day, but eating more, so I wasn’t losing anything. Now that I think about it, I had joined a small local gym, it was antiquated but it helped a little and I was walking for those past three years or so.  We broke up in 2010, but I didn’t go back to the gym until March of 2011.
            My doctor told me that my cholesterol was high, my blood pressure was high and everything else was high. I know me and I knew what I had to do. I joined Planet Fitness and I worked out hard all that year, until…
            In October of 2011 I caught some kind of “cold”? Upper respiratory infection, flu... I caught something. I had to go to the doctor to find out what was going on. I was given a “Z” pack and in about 5 days I was better. My breathing wasn’t great, but I still played racquetball the next week. Anyway, I just couldn’t get back into the gym; I gained 14 pounds since that day of illness.
            Is this going to be a resolution or just maintain my fitness schedule? You can call it a resolution, if you want, but it has always been part of my life, I just have to do better at it. I started my fast this week, but am only going until Friday the 6th. And then I MUST hit the gym again so I can maintain or else. Or is it time for another relationship? 

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