Friday, November 11, 2011

Fall...Darn it!

Today is November 11, 2011 and it’s a beautiful autumn afternoon, considering that the leaves are still falling and it’s getting colder in the morning. All in all I love days like today. Yes, I love the smell of falling leaves in the morning! If there is such a thing, I’d love it anyway.
I decided to go out yesterday and rake up the leaves. Did you know that I have almost 5,000 square feet of property and I have only one tree on it, but my front yard is filled with leaves? I was hoping, the other day, when it was really windy that the leaves would blow away, but that didn’t happen.
I had to get out and rake em up yesterday because, yesterday, my neighbor got out and mulched her leaves, from her tree, leaving a line where her yard and my yard meet. That just looked weird. So, I didn’t want to lie around the house and do nothing so I got up and started on those leaves.
At that point I became a Leaf Wrangler! It’s kind of funny that when ever I rake the leaves I think of me being a leaf wrangler. For those that don’t know a wrangler is…well if you ever watch a move where there are animals in it? Well, the person who Shepherds the animals around is called an animal wrangler.
Now if I had a sheep dog he would herd the sheep or in this case, the leaves. Anyway, I got my lawnmower out and put on the bag-thingy. I figured I would just mulch and bag the leaves. As I went down one side of the yard I noticed that all I was doing was pushing the leaves around in front of the lawnmower.
So, I figured that wasn’t going to work right. So, I pulled out my trusty leaf wrangler machine, I mean, the leaf blower and started to wrangle those leaves, I mean, blow those leaves into a big pile.
Of course this means that I would have to finish the old-fashioned way, with a rake and broom. I herded those leaves into a pile, a big pile, and then thought to myself, when I was a kid didn’t I jump into the pile, for what ever reason. Gasp, I am an old dude now, but I did it anyway. After a few seconds, and more thoughts, I thought I had better get out of the leaves because someone might think that I had a heart attack or something.
Anyway, as cool as it was, 44 degrees, I started to get hot. That’s hard work raking up leaves. I wanted to take my hoodie off but knowing me I probably would have gotten sick or something considering I don’t get sick, often. So I just took the heat.
 I did notice one thing; there were still bugs out there! When do those Mother…shut my mouth, die? All they did was try to fly into my eyes or up my nose, one of them finally did. I had to run inside and blow my nose. I guess it got out before I blew it in to that wet napkin. All that hard work was attracting them. I am glad I was covered from head to toe!
Well, it only took me 90 minutes to complete that task. But, I know I am going to have to get out there and do more because the trees on both sides of my house are only 25% emptied! Besides, I still have the back yard to do. I am so looking forward to that. I think I am going to take a nap, as soon as I finish this. Oh well…