Saturday, April 06, 2019

I am writing, really...

Oh well, I did it again. As I was sitting here writing, earlier, I got up to get a glass of water. I noticed that the cat’s did a big stinky, so I decided to clean out the cat’s litter box. Since the box, where I throw the used litter was full, I took the bag out and after I was finished and put it into a trash can, out in the garage.

I opened the garage door to get a breath of fresh air and decided to go and get the mail. Back inside, I decided to vacuum the carpet and move a couple of runners around to a newer spot. By that time, I decided that it was time to take a nap.

Now that I think about it, I forgot my water, which is still on the kitchen counter. I am going to have to learn how to focus, again. Why you ask? Because I am writing this and I just realized, the baseball game is on. I might as well grab a beer and some peanuts and relax.

The Cat Logic of Tom and Jerry


Cat Logic: Every morning I give my cats,Tom and Jerry, a half can of cat food. Jerry wolfs his down in minutes. Tom, on the other hand, nibbles and comes back later. Later, Jerry eats the rest of Tom's food.
Sometimes I give them both an entire can of cat food. Again Jerry gobbles most of it, quickly. 5:00 pm...there is still half a can of food in their bowls. I just throw it out and give them Kibbles and bits... Tom will then scream at me for several minutes. Cats, what are they...