Sunday, March 17, 2019

Today I am going to...

Goals for today:

·        Edit at least 30 pages of my, soon to be finished and published, novel, “Marooned”.
·        Start reading this novel, “Liar, Liar”, by James Patterson, I picked up at the Library yesterday. I want to see if I can at least read 100 pages today.
·        Start writing “Revenge”, part 2, a continuation of “Marooned”. Yesterday, I stared at a blank page for a couple of hours trying to figure out how to start. There are three stories within the novel. Last night I couldn’t sleep, so I started dreaming on an opening. I will see how that goes when I start later today.
In Actuality:
·        I have to vacuum all the carpets today. I usually vacuum every Sunday. And with the cats starting to shed and since I have been using Kitty litter that the cats have been tracking all through the house, it’s getting messy faster, as of late.
·        I have to wash another load of clothes today, and fold up the clothes I washed yesterday. Knowing me, those clothes would stay in the closet until I need some clean PJs, or something.
·        The college basketball game starts at 3:30 today, The University of Michigan Vs. Michigan State! A must watch for me. I went to U of M, and usually root for the Wolverines. But, State has beaten “M”; twice this year…I am divided on who will win. Heck, I will take the…
·        Oh yeah, gotta wash the dishes from last night and breakfast, this morning. Plus, the lunch dishes, to which, I haven’t eaten as of 11 am today.
·        I gotta, really, really, take a nap today. I know I probably will sleep through the game. I know me, only because, I was awake at 1 am, trying to think of a way to start my story, this morning and I didn’t work out or do my daily walk, today. Issues, issues, issues.
I can’t think of anything else that needs to done or worked on today. I am going to try and do everything mentioned, above, somehow. I have to stay busy or else…longer naps!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Working on editing my 2nd draft, I noticed I needed some coffee and a snack. No snacks, so I went to the store got some donuts and chips to help me edit. While I was out, I stopped at the Library and got a couple of movies and a book, Stephen King's "From a Buick 8". When I got back, made the coffee and noticed that the cats tracked litter from their box onto the carpet. So, now I have to vacuum. It's now 3:25 pm. I don't need any more distractions, got ta get off of FB too!