Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Entertaining Disney+

I had the chance to check out The Disney+ channel last night. There were no problems considering, the initial rollout caused problems earlier on in the east coast, but I digress. It just occurred to me that I have the expensive, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Comcast/Xfinity and a few other sites that I rent movies from, if I want.

I was not totally impressed with the new channel only because, I have Plex, hoping to get Plex plus later when my Comcast/Xfinity contract runs out, next year.

Why am I not impressed, as I mentioned, above, I have over 400 movies on my Plex and almost, but not all, are from the Marvel Universe, and I have all of the Star Wars movies. Science Fiction is a main stay for me. In addition, I have about a hundred movies on

I usually purchase a movie, once a month on that site. I also buy a “free” movie, every other month on Google Play, (taking surveys on their site gets you a small amount of “cash”, usually as small as ten cents and as large as seventy cents.).

I would like to cut out a lot of these services, just to save money, if and when, I cut the cord to Comcast. I have figured out how to add movies to my Plex collection and that works for me. If anything, I wish I could add my VHS collection to Plex, also. I have approximately 300 VSH movies, all the oldies, but goodies!

Is Disney+ worth it, for me to watch just one show, The Mandalorian? The same with Netflix, there are only three shows I watch, weekly. In addition, now that I think about it, I subscribe to HBO and, there are only three shows, I watch, weekly. Are they all worth the price, of course not? However, sitting around, day after day, doing nothing but sipping coffee, by day, and beer, by night, I have to have an outlet and stay entertained.

Will I get Disney+? That remands to be seen. The future, of course, can never be promised.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Kayaking weekend, The Epic Fail...

The weekend. I had an epic day, kayaking on the Huron River, yesterday. A total first, of sorts, for me this year. For one thing, it was a beautiful, even though; it was predicted to thunderstorm early and late, Saturday. It didn’t happen. Yes, it was warm but it was cooler on the water. Just about blue skies for the rest of the day I was on the water.

On the other hand, the epic part…I flipped my kayak. That is the first time that has ever happened since I’ve owned a kayak and before. There were a series of cascades, if I remember correctly, five, cascades along the river, very fast moving. You just needed to lean back and put your paddle over your head and ride out the fast moving current.

What was kind of troubling, the waters, along the way, were filled with Tubers, especially kids in tubes and they really were in the way, most of the times and you hated to run in to one of them. So, you kind of had to go around a couple of time until they went down. And of course, other kayakers and folks in those tandem kayaks who thought they had the right of way, even if you were in the way.

On the very last cascade, some woman, I had to reckon, was inexperienced, decided to just rush past me, as I was a few meters from the mouth of the cascade. Of course, I couldn’t stop or I would have gone in sideways and probably flipped anyway. As she went over, and the last one was the steepest, she managed to turn right, I had no choice but to go left.

As I leaned, (bad move) to my left I hit a bunch of rocks and flipped. I came out of the kayak and was pushed a couple meters further out. The water was about a meter and a half deep and I was totally under my kayak. I opened my eyes, looking up through the greenish water and noticed that my gear was still in the kayak, considering it was upside down.

I managed to stand up…I heard someone calling my name and then saying, “Come to me”. But, I was in a mild panic, more kayaker were zooming past me as I pushed my way towards a rocky incline. I finally sat down and surveyed my circumstance. I have carried a Kayak pump with me, ever since I purchased my kayak, six years prior, and started to pump the water out. Five minutes later, 99% of the water was out.

I had placed my camera on the deck of my kayak, because it was pressed between my body and my lifejacket, but it was still soaked. When I finished pumping, I couldn’t find my camera. About 20 centimeters under the water was my camera. I knew it was dead! I had taken some 45 pictures on it and the pictures were stored on a card. I knew they would be okay, but the camera was another thing.

Someone gave me that 3rd generation camera, a couple of years ago, right after I had dropped my first generation camera in to a bucket of water. I still have that shell of a camera, but it has never worked again.  Anyway, I also noticed that the plastic, Zip-loc bag, was slightly opened. In the bag was my old cell phone, which I only use to take pictures and a brand new 10,000 mAh battery. They too were soaked.

What made that so bad, the old camera, cell phone, which was a rugged camera and waterproof, was missing the tabs that kept the water out. It too was dead. It too had the remaining, “action” pictures on it, plus, hundreds of other pictures, (of course backed-up). But, these pictures couldn’t be backed-up because, I would need a Wi-Fi source, to which none was available at the time. Lost pictures? 

When I got home, I put all three of my devices in a large plastic bag filled with rice. I hope that works. I read that takes about 24 to 36 hours to find out. Eight more hours to go.

Anyway, I wasn’t the worse for wear. I did manage to scrape my shin; I now have a two centimeter scar. My only fear, though, Flesh-eating bacteria! Everything in the world, (from what I hear on the news and from FB) scares me…a lot! So far, nothing is eating me from the outside, though, I have a strange red spot on my hand. And, I did get a mouthful of water and my sinuses are still feeling funny, not laughable funny, but strange funny.  I guess I gotta wait and see.

Other then all of that, I still had a great and wonderful day on the river. I'm going out next week with another group to a local river that I heard has finally been cleaned up!

I did manage to put a small, outdoors, waterproof camera in my wish list on Amazon. It really isn’t in my budget right now…I have to get some new biking gloves and a couple tires from my bike, first.

 As for me, I’ve figured out that if round is a shape, I am in shape! Tell that to my back, as it stiffened up as I got out of bed this morning! The Motrin has helped a little, though…and this coffee did wonders too!

Saturday, April 06, 2019

I am writing, really...

Oh well, I did it again. As I was sitting here writing, earlier, I got up to get a glass of water. I noticed that the cat’s did a big stinky, so I decided to clean out the cat’s litter box. Since the box, where I throw the used litter was full, I took the bag out and after I was finished and put it into a trash can, out in the garage.

I opened the garage door to get a breath of fresh air and decided to go and get the mail. Back inside, I decided to vacuum the carpet and move a couple of runners around to a newer spot. By that time, I decided that it was time to take a nap.

Now that I think about it, I forgot my water, which is still on the kitchen counter. I am going to have to learn how to focus, again. Why you ask? Because I am writing this and I just realized, the baseball game is on. I might as well grab a beer and some peanuts and relax.

The Cat Logic of Tom and Jerry


Cat Logic: Every morning I give my cats,Tom and Jerry, a half can of cat food. Jerry wolfs his down in minutes. Tom, on the other hand, nibbles and comes back later. Later, Jerry eats the rest of Tom's food.
Sometimes I give them both an entire can of cat food. Again Jerry gobbles most of it, quickly. 5:00 pm...there is still half a can of food in their bowls. I just throw it out and give them Kibbles and bits... Tom will then scream at me for several minutes. Cats, what are they...

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Today I am going to...

Goals for today:

·        Edit at least 30 pages of my, soon to be finished and published, novel, “Marooned”.
·        Start reading this novel, “Liar, Liar”, by James Patterson, I picked up at the Library yesterday. I want to see if I can at least read 100 pages today.
·        Start writing “Revenge”, part 2, a continuation of “Marooned”. Yesterday, I stared at a blank page for a couple of hours trying to figure out how to start. There are three stories within the novel. Last night I couldn’t sleep, so I started dreaming on an opening. I will see how that goes when I start later today.
In Actuality:
·        I have to vacuum all the carpets today. I usually vacuum every Sunday. And with the cats starting to shed and since I have been using Kitty litter that the cats have been tracking all through the house, it’s getting messy faster, as of late.
·        I have to wash another load of clothes today, and fold up the clothes I washed yesterday. Knowing me, those clothes would stay in the closet until I need some clean PJs, or something.
·        The college basketball game starts at 3:30 today, The University of Michigan Vs. Michigan State! A must watch for me. I went to U of M, and usually root for the Wolverines. But, State has beaten “M”; twice this year…I am divided on who will win. Heck, I will take the…
·        Oh yeah, gotta wash the dishes from last night and breakfast, this morning. Plus, the lunch dishes, to which, I haven’t eaten as of 11 am today.
·        I gotta, really, really, take a nap today. I know I probably will sleep through the game. I know me, only because, I was awake at 1 am, trying to think of a way to start my story, this morning and I didn’t work out or do my daily walk, today. Issues, issues, issues.
I can’t think of anything else that needs to done or worked on today. I am going to try and do everything mentioned, above, somehow. I have to stay busy or else…longer naps!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Working on editing my 2nd draft, I noticed I needed some coffee and a snack. No snacks, so I went to the store got some donuts and chips to help me edit. While I was out, I stopped at the Library and got a couple of movies and a book, Stephen King's "From a Buick 8". When I got back, made the coffee and noticed that the cats tracked litter from their box onto the carpet. So, now I have to vacuum. It's now 3:25 pm. I don't need any more distractions, got ta get off of FB too!

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Tom and Jerry...

I'm starting to hate my cats(not really, but...) At 7am I give them a half a can of food. Jerry gobbles it down in minutes. Tom nibbles at it. But, Jerry sneaks back and finishes both bowls. At 9am I went to get a second cup of coffee(each cup is 3 cups, it's a large cup), and Tom followed me into the kitchen and started screaming at me as he sat next to his bowl. I noticed that both bowl were empty. So, I got another can out and gave him two thirds of a can. 11am, Toms bowl is still full. Why do I listen to him in the first place. Funny thing though, they both will never finish what is left in their bowls, and I probably will, as I usually do, throw the rest out and fill it will kibble, (dry food). Of course the bowls will be empty by the time I go to bed tonight...Cats...geez?!

Okay, I'm back...let's see if I can keep it going.

Yes, I know, it's been a while since I posted something on Blogging page. I have been writing but not posting. So, I got a lot of stuff and probably will post most of what I have written over the last year.

I have been writing, I mean editing my novel, during the 2018 time frame. Sadly, doing a lot less editing, though. Also, I have outlined and fleshed out two new stories that I have to get started this year. I just don't know to start them... sort of, I will once I sit here in front of this computer with the sole intent of putting ink to paper, (I mean, fingers to keyboard, words to computer).

One story, is part 2 to my first story, "Marooned", to which I managed to finish in March of last year. I am ready to start, I just have to get a couple bottles of scotch, it usually helps a little, with the writing.

My Birthday was 2 weeks ago and my son got me four pounds of coffee, so that shouldn't be a problem. I usually have either coffee or scotch when I am writing, but not both at the same time.

Anyway, let's get this started...and away we go!