Tuesday, November 28, 2017

More things my Kids said, Part II...

My son said something to me yesterday, to which I thought was funny, in regard to, all the technology I have acquired over the last year. I told him, “I live in the 21st century and I love my Echo dot and all of the things I can do with it”. He, on the other hand, at 37, told me that he could live without all, or at least most of that stuff.

I went on to say that, I remember all the things that were around in the 60s, 70s and the 80s that I “knew” he knew nothing about. Of course, he said that he remember being at his grandmothers and seeing her using a rotary phone, or, watching TV with only three channels and in Black and White, with a remote control, wired to the cable box to control the channels.

That got me to thinking, he may have seen all of those wonderful things, as a very young child but, I had to live with them, use them throughout my child hood and young adult hood.

Anyway, thinking about it today, I remembered a bunch of things both my sons have said during their growing years. Here are a few that came to mind.

Upon returning home, from my mother’s home one evening, my wife and I got into a discussion about sending our son, Darien, to school. I wanted to send him to a public school because I felt that if we had to pay property taxes, for the schools, we might as well send him there.

My wife, on the other hand, felt that if he went to a private school he would get better, individual attention, learn more and overall get a better education. This turned into a minor argument that went on for about five minutes. When we got to our exit I turned to Darien, who was half asleep in the back seat and said, “Darien, what school would you like to go to?”

He thought about it for a moment, then, with a clear child-like Zen consciousness said, “Taco Bell…” That ended the discussion of school for the night. He had to laugh the rest of the way home. Come to think about it, I’m glad we did send him to a private school because he received a scholarship for the next school year.

My Sister, who was living in Boston, at the time, was in town for our annual family reunion and had not seen my oldest son, Darien, since he was two, four years prior. After the festivities were over, my family and sisters headed to my mother’s home where we reminisce about our days growing up together.

Darien, who had been watching TV with the other children, came into the kitchen, where all the grown-ups had gathered. He was tired because he was sucking his finger, which he does when he was tired or bored.

My sister turned to my son and said, “Darien, I see you’re still sucking your fingers.”

Darien responded, “Ya, but I used to suck two fingers, but I’m down to one a day, now.” If we can only get him to quit all together.

Its been a long while since my son, Kristopher, had left his terrible two’s and moved on into the, I don’t know what to call him three’s. For the last few months, he had finally started using the toilet by himself. This, by itself is nothing, but he has begun using this tactic to stay awake as long as he could.

During the Christmas holidays, I let him stay up a little longer. On the last day of the holiday he ate his dinner, had his bath and was in the bed before eight pm. He used just about every trick in the book to stay up, including the old, “it’s too hot in here,” to the old classic, “daddy I want a glass of water.”

After going into his room five times, I finally thought he had settled down. Around 10:30 my wife went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. I heard the rustle of little feet; it was Kris, hurrying to the bathroom. When I got to the door, my wife was giving Kris the old evil eye. 

That looked lasted about 20 seconds. Kris then made his way around his mother to the toilet and in a nonchalant kind of way said to his mother, “I live here too.” He finished his business, got back into bed and was asleep in 10 minutes.


Sunday, November 19, 2017

Light up the night, or not...

I thought Christmas was celebrated “After” Thanksgiving. Heck, I saw someone buying a Christmas tree this past Friday, go figure. On another note, I stopped celebrating Christmas and most, if not all holidays a long time ago. Mainly because, my children are grown and gone. But, I digress…

I got up to go to the bathroom, around 3am, the other night and as I looked to my right, I noticed a bright light on, downstairs. I went downstairs and noticed that I had forgotten to turn off my hard drive, as it has a large, bright light on to notify me, that it is on.

As I stood, in my computer room noticed all of the lights on, blinking, winking and just sucking up electricity. My router, blinking, my hub, with its steady blue light just staring into space. My two printers, their light shining, one green and the other printer light, blue, and of course, my hard drive’s light so bright you probably could read a book by its light.

I looked over into the media room and noticed both of my amplified bass’s lights were on. One a steady red light and the other a blinking orange light. Orange? That’s new and different. Then there’s the red light on the Television, the eerie red light on the power strip, behind the Television. The dull circle on the DVR, which I don’t turn off because I am usually recording something and the bright gray number giving me the time, on the DVR.

Into the living room, lights were blazing there, also. I noticed the bright red numerals on a small clock, located under the Television, resting on a deep black pedestal, unseen in the dark but illuminated, slightly, by said clock.  Sitting next to the clock, my old trusty VCR. It still works and its blue numbers tell the time of day, or night.

As I circled around, I took note of the two hubs, that help control the security system and the security cameras, blue and green light tell me of their locations. The living room, itself, isn’t all that dark, only because, on the door wall, the vertical blinds swing back and forth ever so slightly, from the furnace blowing its hot breath, letting the lights on the back porch slither through and dance on the floor.

I recently installed a connected Thermostat to the living room wall by kitchen. As I passed it, it lit up, letting me know that it was 31 degrees outside and 59 degrees on the main floor, which caused the furnace to run for a few minutes, keeping the temperature at a reasonable 60 degrees, until 6:30 am.

In the Kitchen, more of the same. It’s where the energy vampires exist sucking the energy right out of the walls. Starting with the clock on the stove, to which I haven’t changed the time to daylight savings time as of yet. And, the microwave was doing its number, but without any numbers flashing. I haven’t set the clock and probably won’t, but its shines, nonetheless. To top everything off, the Wi-Fi controlled coffee pot, it’s façade lit up with its green Wi-Fi logo greeting me, letting me know that I will have a great cup of coffee when I wake up.

Bright lights, lights in the dark…

Try this one of these nights; Go downstairs, don’t turn on the lights, though, and just look around in the near darkness. Have you notice how bright it is and you don’t have lights on?
Why, I said to myself, thinking? I decided to count all of the red, green, blue and gray lights. I counted 22 of those bright diode type lights running.

I don’t know how much electricity is being used. I have seen, on the boob tube, a commercial made by the energy company,  considering I record just about everything I watch and speed through the commercials. But, I do remember the commercial, a PSA, in regard to, energy vampires, or was it energy pigs.

Now I have to figure out what to turn off and what will continue to blink or stare into the night while I sleep, just so I don’t have a humongous electric bill.  

I guess, now that I think about it, it’s my way of celebrating the Holidays, from Thanksgiving, through to New Year’s Day. And, I don’t have to put up any “Christmas” lights. They are already there, blinking throughout my house. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

They went that-away!

While out on my fitness walk today, a lady, heading my way, rolled down her window as to ask a question:

She:" Which way do go to get to Dixie?"

Me: (pointing in the opposite direction) Dixie, that way.

She: "Yeah, I going to Dixie."

Me: (pointing in the right direction) "Dixie, that way."

She: "I just dropped off my girlfriend, and I have to get back to Dixie."

Me: (Pointing, again) "Turn around and go that way."

She: "I should turn around."

Me: Yeah, follow me.""

'via Blog this'

Monday, November 13, 2017

I hear that Toilet water is just as tasty...Hey, I'm easy to please.

Why do I feel I am easy to please? Well, because I do.
Five years ago, I purchased a water fountain so that my cats, Tom and Jerry could have fresh water to drink. I had a non-electric water fountain, with a two quart reservoir. The water in that device lasted quite a few days, but it had no filter, and Jerry, I have no idea what goes through that cat’s mind, would scoop up, in his paw, cat food and drop it into the water bowl. So, I had to clean it more often than not.

 Anyway, I got that water fountain working and Jerry loved it. Tom, on the other hand, about 10 years ago I took a 30 day drive across the country and back. My sister was kind enough to spend those days, staying at my house watching over everything and feeding the cats. For whatever reason, when I got back home, I noticed that Tom was drinking out of the toilet. I asked my sister what happened and she just shrugged her shoulders and said, “…water is water.”

A few months ago the pump on the water fountain died. From time to time, I would clean the crud from around the vents to keep the pump running. (I was watching a YouTube video the other day and found out that I could have taken the pump completely apart to clean it out. I wish I knew that then). That is probably the reason why it died, not cleaned enough and its little heart (pump) couldn’t take it.

What I didn’t like about the cat water fountain, Jerry would stick his head under the flowing water and get his head nice and wet. Then he would come and sit on my lap. Nice. Now, with the water not flowing anymore, Jerry continued to drink from it but I would have to clean it more often because it seemed like the water looked grittier than normal. Plus, it had a ton of food and cat hair in it.

Earlier on, I had checked the internet for a business that sold the pump. At the time, I went to Amazon to check. They had a ton of pumps but none that would fit my particular cat water fountain. I didn’t manage to find a site in England. So, I kind of gave up. I felt as long as Jerry was drinking water I was happy. I noticed, a week or so ago, I had closed the toilet lid and forgotten to open it and saw Tom drinking from the cat fountain. But as soon as I opened the toilet lid, he was back. Old 
habits, apparently, never die.

This past week I tried again looking for a pump. I figured that it would totally cheaper to get a pump than buying a new water fountain, considering, that when I purchased the water fountain the price was over $50! It helped that I had had a few gift cards to bring the price down. Now, that same fountain sells for $44. At Amazon, I found the pump that works for that particular fountain, but of course, it was currently unavailable. And there was another pump but reviewers were saying that they had to jury-rig the pump so that it would fit and work.

I thought what the heck and decided to go with the company that had one. I hate to buy from companies that I have never done business with. But heck, for $14, plus shipping and handling…I needed that pump. Unlike anything from Amazon, I was told that it would take 10 to 15 days to get to me. I could wait. But, I was surprised that it only 4 days to get to me…surprise!

Anyhow, the pump is running and water is flowing. Jerry is still sticking his head under the flow and Tom is still drinking out of the toilet. Me, on the other hand, I felt like something wonderful was accomplished. Walked around with my head held high, my chest sticking out, and both thumbs up! Feeling proud that the Cat water fountain was working. Yes, I am easy to please…as long as my cats are pleased and happy, or at least one of them is.

Thursday, November 02, 2017

National Novel Writing Month...

…and so it begins.

November is National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo, to those who participate. Its main goal, for writers, all around the country, is to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days! I am already 2 days behind…sort of. 

My only problem or question, (to myself), do I want to participate this year? In the last four years, I have only finished one novel and it is still sitting on my desk collecting dust… (Editing cost a fortune, at least for me it does, retirement does that, sometimes, I mean, I’ve given up Lobster, caviar and Champagne and now only eat beans, beer and PB&J sandwiches for dinner, now). In 2015, I started a new novel but only completed 12k words. It sat around, (in my computer), for an entire year waiting for me to finish. 

In 2016, I started writing, again. I finished, in November with 25k words, total. What I feel so bad about, I have been day dreaming, night dreaming, thinking about my novel just about every day as to, how do I defeat this writers block? How do I have the two main characters interact? This conflict, with me, has been going on since the end of last year’s NaNoWriMo.

Do I wish to participate? Probably not. Well…maybe so. I can say, and I really feel it, I really need to WRITE this novel, finish this novel! However, where did my passion disappear too?  

Many, many years ago, I really did have a passion for writing. However, I would have to lock myself in my room, (I had two young children, annoying children, always wanting to play children and yes, and I did play with them more often than not – after I finished writing). I managed to finish three books during those turbulent times, only to have them published during the last three years. 

Do I want to participate…? I am going to write. I am going to write 50,000 words, during November – or longer. I am going to finish this novel. I have to see how my resolve is, find my muse again, and find my passion, for writing. I miss it, with a passion.
Way back then, I would drink and knock out a few thousand words a day. My drinking, gin, vodka and scotch days are over now. I just drink beer, but that doesn’t seem to help. Coffee seems to be my only help (hope?), and I have a few bags of coffee to get me through the month of November. 

The light is on, tomorrow I will get my bearings and…I will WRITE! 50,000 words or else!  And, now that I think about it, try my best to keep this cat off of my lap as I write. He’s so cute, sleeping on my lap. Geez…